Difasilitasi dengan kamar yang elegant Puri Rossa bisa menambah tidur anda semakin nyenyak dan nyaman.
Vip Villa : facilities by elegant 3 rooms, can make you have sleeping better, bathroom with cold and hot water.
Vip Villa : facilities by elegant 3 rooms, can make you have sleeping better, bathroom with cold and hot water.
Ruang keluarga bisa anda gunakan untuk berkumpul keluarga, dengan menggunakan fasilitas KARAOKE
menambah kenyamanan anda berada di Villa kami.
Living room facilities: TV 32" Arabic channel , home theater and the luxury leather Sofa
Privacy swimming pool
Kamar yang luas dan nyaman cocok untuk anda dan keluarga Executive Villa: 2 rooms, can make you have sleeping better,
Luxury bathroom Hot and cold water
Ruang untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga yang luas dan nyaman
Large living room and TV 29", Arabic channel
Large living room and TV 29", Arabic channel
Dikelilingi oleh pohon dan di aliri sungai di sampingnya menambah asri villa kayu yang bernuansa kental dengan kayu sebagai nilai plus yang dikeluarkan oleh villa kayu ini.
Natural villa build with with the wood make your feel warm on the cold place, 4 rooms,Cold and Hot Water, TV 29" Arabic channel, Kitchen
Kamar tidur di Villa Hijau sangat nyaman dan asri nyaman untuk tidur anda dan keluarga.
Standard room with the comfortable bed make you relax to rest 2 rooms,Cold and Hot Water, TV 21" Arabic channel, Kitchen
Standard room with the comfortable bed make you relax to rest 2 rooms,Cold and Hot Water, TV 21" Arabic channel, Kitchen
Kamar yang di beri furniture dari kayu menambah suasana yang klasik dan menarik
Executive Villa: 4 rooms, can make you have sleeping better
Ruang keluarga yang sangat luas dan nyaman, disuguhkan untuk anda dan keluarga untuk ber santai dan ber cengkrama
Large living room and TV 29", Arabic channel,cold and hot water, large kitchen
Large living room and TV 29", Arabic channel,cold and hot water, large kitchen
Villa Merah berjumlah 5 (lima kamar) disajikan untuk keluarga besar agar bisa berkumpul bersama-sama dalam satu Villa
Executive Villa: 5 rooms, big and large Living room, TV 29", kitchen, cold and hot water
Executive Villa: 5 rooms, big and large Living room, TV 29", kitchen, cold and hot water
Berisi 5 (kamar) kami tawarkan kepada anda supaya anda bisa menikmati kenyamanan dan ke indahan pemandangan yang ada di sekeliling villa kami, difasilitasi Televisi, water Heater di setiap kamar mandinya kami manjakan anda dan keluarga dalam liburan anda.
Standard Villa: 5 rooms, living room, 2 Bathrooms, kitchen, TV 21", cold and Hot water
Standard Villa: 5 rooms, living room, 2 Bathrooms, kitchen, TV 21", cold and Hot water
Ruang tengah villa kuning di design untuk anda dan keluarga, menikmati suasana dan berkumpul bersama supaya lebih nyaman lagi.
Large Living room, TV 21" Arabic channel, Kitchen
Berjumlah 2 (dua) kamar tidur, dan difasilitasi kamar mandi disetiap kamarnya nya
Standard room with the comfortable bed make you relax to rest 2 rooms,Cold and Hot Water,
Standard room with the comfortable bed make you relax to rest 2 rooms,Cold and Hot Water,
Villa Kaca Kassa
With 2nd flour, slim Tv Arabic Channel, cold and hot water
Living room at the 2nd flour, make you enjoy and relax with your family
Living room at the 1st flour, Dinning room, slim TV Arabic channel
You can make reservation in our Villa for 24 hour, keep on the office for 24 hour
Our security keep area safety for 24 hour, and Also House Keeping keep area clean